1. General Information

Your personal data (registration data, details concerning your order placements etc.) will be stored by Teppich Reingung Minu and treated in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR/DSGVO) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679),May 2016. As you have agreed to our Terms&Condition, you accept our privacy policy too.Teppich Reingung Minu respects the security and data privacy of their customers and will never sell or disclose personal customer data such as names or addresses and other related information for advertising purposes or the like. We use 3rd party vendor re-markting tools sch as Google Adwords, wherefore eMail addresses will be used, only. We consider it important, that our customers know what happens to their data. Below you´ll find an overview of which data are collected by us and for which purposes they will be used for.

2. Customer Data Legal Justification for Storage and Use

As it is necessary for performance of our work (using your address for shipments, collecting payments etc.) we will store your data. All customer data provided in the registration process will be stored by Teppich Reingung Minu, and encrypted and protected against destruction, loss, unauthorised access, or inappropriate use. For this reason, we have teamed up with our cooperation partner HostEurope, whose colocation centre ranks among the largest and most secure ones in Germany.

3. Collection & Use of Customer Data

Teppich Reingung Minu guarantees to store only such customer data, which are considered important with respect to the handling of the respective processes. For what purposes are the customer data used by Teppich Reingung Minu?

  • CUSTOMER COMMUNICATION – Communication with our customers, Customer support, and internal email marketing.
    Programs intern: Thunderbird,
    Programs extern: WP Newsletter and LiveChat.
    Used data: names and eMail addresses.
  • EMAIL COMMUNICATION – All personal customer data stored by Teppich Reingung Minu are shown in your customer account. E-mail addresses will be used for direct communication with our customers and re-marketing, only. This includes the welcome e-mail sent to you upon your signup, messages in the event of incoming or forwarded shipments, announcements made by Teppich Reingung Minu to inform you about news or changes, and re-marketing activities.
    eMail Re-Marketing:We also uses 3rd party vendor re-marketing tracking cookies if you agree, including the GoogleAdWords and GoogleTagManager tracking cookies. This means we will continue to show ads to you across the internet, specifically on the Google Content Network (GCN).
  • CUSTOMER DATA USAGE MANAGEMENT – Registration, Authentication, Customer Account Processes.
    Our System: LifeRay hosted at HostEurope in Europe/Germany and Luxembourg. Used data: all data stored in your account such as name, address, contact data and our order details.
  • OUR WORK –Check and inspection of incoming shipments.
    Used data: all data stored in your account such as name, address, contact data and our order details.
  • ACCOUNTANCY – Processing personal date for invoice and financial reporting processes.
    Programs extern: Datev.
    Used data: names and address.
  • CONCIERGE – Placing orders on behalf of customers (concierge service).
    Used data: your surname as we order on your behalf.
  • ANALYTICS – For statistical purposes we use anonymized data only, see section Cookies & Trackers section.
  • PAYMENTS – For transactions specific data will be submitted to secure 3rd party payment providers, such as Paypal, AliPay, UnionPay etc.
    Used data for compliance checks only are transaction relevant data only, these data are submitted by the payment provider only, Teppich Reingung Minu does not ask/store your complete payment data.
  • SOCIAL NETWORK SITES– Our Site includes interfaces that allow you to connect with social networking sites (each a “SNS”). If you connect to a SNS through our Site you authorize us to access, use and store the information that you agreed the SNS could provide to us based on your settings on that SNS. We will access, use and store that information in accordance with this Notice. You can revoke our access to the information you provide in this way at any time by amending the appropriate settings from within your account settings on the applicable SNS.
  • INFORMATION AUTOMATICALLY COLLECTED – We may automatically log information about you and your computer or mobile device when you access our Site. For example, we may log your computer or mobile device operating system name and version, manufacturer and model, browser type, browser language, screen resolution, the website you visited before browsing to our Site, pages you viewed, how long you spent on a page, access times and information about your use of and actions on our Site. We collect this information about you using cookies and trackers. Please refer to the Cookies & Trackers section below for more details.

4. Who gets access to Customer Data?

Who can see or access your personal customer data?

  • All of those staff members of Teppich Reingung Minu, who are trained in the processing and handling of data subject to privacy protection laws.
  • Our board of management (in exceptional cases).
  • Our carriage service providers are provided only with such data necessary for the fulfilment of customer orders, which excludes the disclosure of E-mail addresses or telephone numbers.
  • Our online payment partners are provided only with order-related data, enabling them to verify and carry out the payment process.
  • Compliance with Laws and Law Enforcement; Protection and Safety. Teppich Reingung Minu may disclose information about you to government or law enforcement officials or private parties as required by law, and disclose and use such information as we believe necessary or appropriate to (a) comply with applicable laws and lawful requests and legal process, such as to respond to subpoenas or requests from government authorities; (b) enforce the terms and conditions that govern the Services; (d) protect our rights, privacy, safety or property, and/or that of you or others; and (e) protect, investigate and deter against fraudulent, harmful, unauthorized, unethical or illegal activity.
  • Business Transfers. We may sell, transfer or otherwise share some or all of its business or assets, including your personal information, in connection with a business deal (or potential business deal) such as a merger, consolidation, acquisition, reorganization or sale of assets or in the event of bankruptcy, in which case we will make reasonable efforts to require the recipient to honor this Privacy Policy.